Source: – Tuesday, July 02, 2013
Excessive type is set to meet high tech as Apple’s employed Paul Deneve, previously CEO at Yves Saint Laurent, as a vice chairman to work on “unique projects.” First established through Bloomberg , Deneve is in reality a former Apple employee, having a hand in gross sales and advertising in Europe all the way through the ’90s. Now, as he says au revoir to YSL, Deneve will file right away to Tim Cook dinner. So what skill set does Deneve bring to the table, in addition to an Apple-ic prior? Evidently his experience promoting luxury items might come into play for future Apple products, in particular because the agency seems set to offer wearable tech like the iWatch . An affordable iPhone might undoubtedly use a high fashion contact, too. Have you ever viewed those garish case leaks ? Apparently, despite his history, Deneve will not fill the seat vacated final year by means of John Browett as head of retail. Whatever YSL’s leaving leader ends up stitching together, we’re certain that with his penchant for design, Jony Ive may have plenty to talk with Deneve about on his first day. Extra blips! Like sweater vests, our information blips are always well-liked. Ubisoft joins the hack percent as emails and passwords are uncovered HTC ships the One S off to no more updates land Microsoft needs to understand how you’re feeling with mood-sensing cellphone

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