Source: – Friday, November 22, 2013
On Thursday's "special variation" of "Media Mash" on Fox News, Sean Hannity talked to Juan Williams a few meeting of journalists and cable-information hosts he used to be invited to by the Obama White Home. Williams said attendees integrated MSNBC's Ed Schultz and Lawrence O'Donnell, David Corn of Mother Jones, Howard Fineman of the Huffington Post, and Washington Publish bloggers Ezra Klein and Greg Sargent. MRC president Brent Bozell guessed one idea that wasn't expressed on the assembly was once when the president would consent to an interview with tough questions. This got here sooner than information of any other syrupy sitdown with ABC's Barbara Walters. (Has Obama sat down with Fox Information in view that Invoice O'Reilly's Tremendous Bowl interview in February of 2011?) read more

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