Karzai speaks during the last day of the Loya Jirga, in KabulPresident Hamid Karzai said U.S. forces had bombed a home in southern Afghanistan, killing a small kid and wounding two women, and condemned the assault as an indication of disregard for civilian lives, his spokesman stated on Thursday. The strike could not have come at a worse time, as Karzai is engaged in a stand-off with the U.S. government over a bilateral security settlement as a way to make a decision whether U.S. troop stay in Afghanistan past 2014. "It shows that U.S. forces have no respect for the decisions of the Loya Jirga and life of civilians in Afghanistan," said Karzai's spokesman, Aimal Faizi. "If such operations continue, there can be no settlement." The US has threatened to drag its troops out of Afghanistan after 2014 – an consequence referred to as the "zero possibility", because it did in Iraq two years ago – except a deal is clinched with the aid of the end of this yr, Karzai, however, has so far refused to signal, regardless of getting approval from the Loya Jirga remaining week.

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