Author Archive: admin

‘You Can Worship Whatever Bullsh*t You Want, But…’ Maher Rips ‘Arrogance’ Of People Who Want A ‘National Religion’

‘You Can Worship Whatever Bullsh*t You Want, But…’ Maher Rips ‘Arrogance’ Of People Who Want A ‘National Religion’

Friday evening on Actual Time, Bill Maher dug up the quote that threatened to derail then-candidate Barack Obama‘s presidential campaign in 2008: “People get bitter and so they cling to their guns and their faith.” Maher joked, “Boy, he was approach off on that.” This resulted in a dialogue about […]


Rep. Michele Bachmann Completely Baffles John Brennan With Bizarre Questions During CIA Hearing

Rep. Michele Bachmann Completely Baffles John Brennan With Bizarre Questions During CIA Hearing

Representatives from the CIA, including newly-put in Director John Brennan, didn’t slightly be aware of what to make of Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) this week once they sat down to reply to questions from the House Intelligence Committee. Each subject she raised perceived to draw blank stares and more questions […]


Here comes the bride — but where’s the groom?

Here comes the bride — but where’s the groom?



‘Glee’ stirs controversy with school shooting episode

‘Glee’ stirs controversy with school shooting episode



Here comes the bride — but where’s the groom?

Here comes the bride — but where’s the groom?



‘Glee’ stirs controversy with school shooting episode

‘Glee’ stirs controversy with school shooting episode



Jodi Arias allegedly tweeting through friend

Jodi Arias allegedly tweeting through friend



Reece: ‘Surprised’ over response to ‘submissive’ comment

Reece: ‘Surprised’ over response to ‘submissive’ comment



Jodi Arias allegedly tweeting through friend

Jodi Arias allegedly tweeting through friend



Airline forces two first class passengers to change clothes

Airline forces two first class passengers to change clothes



Reece: ‘Surprised’ over response to ‘submissive’ comment

Reece: ‘Surprised’ over response to ‘submissive’ comment



Airline forces two first class passengers to change clothes

Airline forces two first class passengers to change clothes



Newtown mother gives Obama’s weekly address

Newtown mother gives Obama’s weekly address



Artist makes tiny paintings out of food

Artist makes tiny paintings out of food



Newtown mother gives Obama’s weekly address

Newtown mother gives Obama’s weekly address