Mark Levin likes Charles Krauthammer, however thinks Fox Information could be going only a wee bit overboard seeking to promote his new guide Issues That Matter, and said as much on his radio express on Friday.

Levin was speaking about what it actually means to have a free society, when he made a quick aside about the entire promoting Fox has been doing for one in all its most prestigious analysts.

“Is there a cult of personality or something going on in our favourite cable channel this week? On Fox? I mean, no offense, and I like Dr. Krauthammer, but just right lord!”

And on Friday night time, instead of Hannity, Fox Information ran a one-hour unique Fox News Reporting: Charles Krauthammer––A Existence That Matters.

Listen to the audio under, by way of The Mark Levin Exhibit:

[h/t MFP]

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Apply Josh Feldman on Twitter: @feldmaniac