Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif talks with European Union foreign policy chief Ashton after a ceremony at the United Nations in GenevaVia Fredrik Dahl GENEVA (Reuters) – A breakthrough settlement between Iran and six world powers to restrain its nuclear application has been denounced with the aid of Israel as an “historical mistake” however should nonetheless make it more difficult for Tehran to construct any atomic bomb if it wanted to. By using halting Iran’s most sensitive enrichment of uranium and stopping different aspects of its nuclear activities from increasing, Sunday’s meantime accord is designed as a “first step” to buy time for negotiations on a closing contract of the last decade-outdated dispute. Then again, Iran will for now maintain thousands of centrifuges refining uranium – albeit most effective to concentrations far below that needed for nuclear weapons – and a stockpile that could potentially be dedicated to bomb-making if processed much more. A senior U.S. legit stated the settlement “rolls (Iran’s nuclear program) back in some vital respects”.