Former White House Scenario Room officer Mike Stiegler printed that then-President Donald Trump by no means called right down to test on then-Vice President Mike Pence as Trump lovers hunted him at the Capitol, and that we have been “that shut” to losing the VP.

On Tuesday’s model of ABC’s Excellent Morning The us, anchor George Stephanopoulos sat down with Stiegler, whose account of the Capitol rebel is incorporated in the host’s new e book “The State of affairs Room.”

In a shocking change, Stiegler published just how shut Pence came to getting killed — to the point of asking “Where’s the 2d in line?” — and that Trump never called down to the White House nerve middle to ask about Pence:

MIKE STIEGLER: How do we preserve moving? Where’s the third– where’s the 2nd in line?

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: It’s kind of outstanding. And you recognize, what you’re describing there’s that you started to implement and go in the course of the checklist and.

MIKE STIEGLER: The Situation Room did, yeah.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: The Situation Room (perfect) of what is referred to as the continuity of presidency (yeah) procedures. Describe what these are.

MIKE STIEGLER: Those are at first instituted for if there’s an attack on the U. S. govt, how does the government, especially the executive branch, maintain going?

So that means line of succession. That implies, how will we transfer to totally different places and how do we preserve the government going.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: During– in– a rebellion of our personal folks?


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Inspired by way of the man sitting upstairs.

MIKE STIEGLER: Perfect. However at the time, that’s not even in the forefront of our thoughts. It doesn’t matter how we acquired right here. We’re here. How will we execute? How will we move forward?

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Did the president ever call down to the Situation Room on that day?

MIKE STIEGLER: To not my information.



GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Didn’t ask what was once happening.

MIKE STIEGLER: To not my information.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Didn’t ask how the vp’s doing.

MIKE STIEGLER: Not to my knowledge.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Some people even questioned, elected officers, whether the vice chairman was really in peril. You see a variety of revisionist history going on about January sixth.

As somebody who used to be throughout the room that day. What’s your reaction?

MIKE STIEGLER: It’s essential to me that we don’t forget that it did come that close. And that we did have discussions. If we lose the VP, if the 25th is invoked. We started running thru all of these sport plans as a result of it was once getting close.



Watch above by the use of ABC’s Good Morning The usa.

The publish Jan. 6 Scenario Room Officer Reveals Trump Enthusiasts ‘Came That Shut’ To Murdering VP In Stunning New Interview first appeared on Mediaite.