Joe Rogan went after former President Donald Trump all the way through a recent podcast episode.

On ultimate Thursday’s version of The Joe Rogan Expertise, the Spotify host spoke with fellow comic Tom Segura. Segura used to be on to promote his new guide, I’d Prefer to Play By myself, Please, however the dialog quick turned to politics and Trump.

“The object that’s fantastic about that man is that, you already know, I’m saying even while you watch him as president, he was once stuffed with fucking vitality — stuffed with it daily. And so they said he slept like 4 hours a night. He’s one of those people,” Segura mentioned.

“He’s on Adderall,” Rogan proclaimed. “Do you think he’s on Adderall?”

“Yes, I do — handiest as a result of there were more than one people who used to work on The Apprentice that had been like, ‘He was once fucking gassed up for shoots,’” Segura said.

“Actually?” asked Rogan.

“Yeah. Cause he has trouble studying. He doesn’t — he would struggle to learn prompter or script when he used to be simply, uh, let’s say ‘sober.’ So they’d give him that and he would dial in additional on reading,” Segura introduced.

Segura believed the same hobbies came about when Trump become president, pronouncing, “He would become bored on the CIA briefing in the mornings. He would prefer, ‘I don’t wanna read that.’”

“I heard they’d put his name in briefings more than one times to keep him interested,” Rogan stated.

Segura then shared a story he had heard about Trump’s son-in-regulation, Jared Kushner.

“He came up with a method to keep him engaged — he obviously was close to him and knew him smartly and the formulation was once um, like two excellent, one dangerous,” Segura said. “So if they have been gonna provide him unhealthy information … you start with some good news. So they go, ‘That is going smartly, everybody’s delighted with you about this. Here’s a nasty factor. Additionally people love you for this.’”

“In fact!” Rogan laughed, “He’s a person child.”

“He’s a fucking toddler,” Segura agreed.

Pay attention above by means of The Joe Rogan Expertise.

The publish Joe Rogan Calls Trump a ‘Man Baby,’ Theorizes He Was on Adderall Throughout His Presidency first regarded on Mediaite.