Barack Obama speaks at an event in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, next to the White House, on November 21, 2013Barack Obama, amid the bottom poll numbers of his presidency and a barrage of dangerous headlines, accentuated the certain on Saturday, telling American citizens that the U. S. economy is headed "in the precise route." "Over the last couple months, many of the political headlines you've learn have most definitely been concerning the government shutdown and the launch of the Affordable Care Act," the president said in his weekly media address relating to the new well being care law informally referred to as Obamacare. "But if you appear beyond those headlines, there are some good things taking place in our economy," he stated. The president's approval scores, battered with the aid of gradual economic increase, the October partial govt shutdown, and the clumsy well being care regulation rollout, have sunk to round 40 %, according to a number of contemporary polls.

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