Bill O’Reilly has managed to discover a non-Warfare on Christmas™ story to be outraged about this month: The Denver Post hiring a pot editor. And regardless of the protestations of Juan Williams and Mary Katharine Ham, O’Reilly was past outraged that one of these prominent paper would promote public intoxication, although he used to be reasonably insistent that no one may make an even comparison between a pot editor and someone reviewing alcohol.

O’Reilly stated that no paper would ever, ever hire a “booze editor.” Williams mentioned the plain: that wine critics exists. And there are many newspapers that have wine critics. However O’Reilly shot back that in contrast to the pot editor, wine critics aren’t dealing with “an intoxication deal.”

Ham joined Williams in uncommon settlement, telling O’Reilly it’s a “serious public policy problem” that’s change into the entire more necessary by means of legalization in Colorado. O’Reilly saved insisting it’s outrageous, even jumping again into the alcohol pool once more. Williams again needed to cry, “There are opinions of wine!”

O’Reilly shot back, “which You could drink wine without being inebriated!” He discovered this beyond disgusting and abhorrent, predicting that the paper “promoting intoxication” will assuredly “result in more DUIs.”

Watch the video beneath, by way of Fox Information:

[picture via screengrab]

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Practice Josh Feldman on Twitter: @feldmaniac