Supply: – Sunday, November 24, 2013
On CNN’s State of the Union Sunday morning, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) vociferously criticized the deal brokered early Sunday morning halting Iran’s uranium building, alleging the negotiation eliminates U.S. sanctions, the only real leverage over the Iranians, without substantive rollbacks in Iran’s nuclear building or global antagonism. “We have simply rewarded very dangerous and unhealthy habits,” Rogers stated. “Think about what this agreement does. It says which you can proceed to complement. That’s what the Iranians believe. And they’ve made no adjustments— no changes —in the development of their nuclear weapon software, and I will tell that you simply with a excessive level of walk in the park.” “So right here is the major nation state of terror,” Rogers continued, “who tried to commit a political assassination proper right here in Washington, D.C., as they consider can make a contribution to the deaths of hundreds of U.S. squaddies in Iraq and Afghanistan, who continues to be the main driver between the improbable brutality that’s taking place in Syria, very active around the world with different political assassination makes an attempt, and what have we achieved? We’ve taken away the one thing—we’ve given them sufficient respiratory room—the one thing that brought them to the table.” “What’s worrying about that: bipartisan opposition in Congress, very sturdy bipartisan opposition to the deal. Our Arab League partners don’t like the deal. Israel doesn’t just like the deal. And we may—

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