On this week’s Saturday Night time Are living, Kate McKinnon played HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and lampooned the notoriously bad rollout of Obamacare’s on-line registration web site, Healthcare.gov.

Conceding that the web site “sucks,” McKinnon’s Sebelius went on to offer different awful choices, like a “low-res” website with limited options. If that doesn’t work, the government provides you with the possibility to sign up in an every other language like Icelandic.

To make up for the bad web page, “Sebelius” introduced, the government has equipped “helpful links” to websites like Kayak.com, “where you could buy air tickets to Canada where that you would be able to purchase cheaper pharmaceuticals.” Or a spread of physician porn websites (“Bang Ambulance,” “WebM DD’s,” “Blue Move Blue Balls”).

The site also includes a new FAQ section for questions like “What the hell?” and “Does Obamacare cover mental well being concerns because of the usage of this web page?”

If none of that works, she said, that you may “Contact us by way of mail, ship a postcard with the phrases ‘Help!’” And in 6-eight weeks, you’ll receive an informational brochure, Encarta ’ninety five, a general computer guide, and free minutes to AOL, circa the mid-’90s.

Watch beneath, via NBC:

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