Archive for: constitution

‘Huge Victory for the Pro-Choice Side’: Kansas Voters Shoot Down Ballot Measure Seeking to Remove Abortion Rights in State Constitution

‘Huge Victory for the Pro-Choice Side’: Kansas Voters Shoot Down Ballot Measure Seeking to Remove Abortion Rights in State Constitution

Kyle Rivas/Getty Images Kansas voters have spoke loudly Tuesday via vote casting “No” on a ballot measure that may have eliminated language in the state constitution defending abortion rights. In Tuesday’s elections, Kansans went to the polls to make a decision whether to offer protection to the state’s current constitutional right […]


‘We Are Essentially Slaves’: Georgetown Law Professor Blames Mass Shootings on ‘Ancient’ Constitution

Rosa Brooks of the Georgetown College Legislation Heart blamed the U.S. Structure for Monday’s Independence Day massacre in Illinois. Police say Robert Crimo III killed seven folks and wounded rankings of others from a rooftop right through a Fourth of July parade. He used to be charged with seven counts of […]


Watch Rand Paul Single-Handedly Stall Passage of Ukraine Aid: ‘My Oath of Office Is to the Constitution’

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) blocked the passage of a $40 billion aid package deal to battle-torn Ukraine on Thursday, delaying a vote except subsequent week. The House passed the measure on Tuesday and it enjoys the enhance of both Democratic and Republican leadership. Majority Chief Chuck Schumer (D-NY) requested that […]


Rand Paul Trolls Fauci, Says He’s Having 57 Guests for Christmas: ‘No Vaccine Passport’ But They Must ‘Understand the Constitution’

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) fired some other salvo at Dr. Anthony Fauci in their long-running feud over all things Covid-19. Talking with Sean Hannity on Friday evening, the senator mentioned the infectious disease expert has an “impulse to authoritarianism.” Hannity started out the interview by using taking issue with New […]