Archive for: provide

Military Bases Could Provide ‘Abortion Services’ If Roe v. Wade Overturned, Army Vet Rep. Jason Crow Suggests

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, U.S. militia bases may step in and provide “abortion products and services” in states where the procedure could potentially be outlawed, Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO) suggested on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Stories on Friday. Crow mostly discussed the scenario in Ukraine — he visited Ukraine […]


GOP Rep. Will Introduce Bill to Provide Temporary Asylum to Canadian Trucker Protesters, Compares Trudeau’s Actions to an ‘Authoritarian Regime Like Venezuela’

GOP Rep. Will Introduce Bill to Provide Temporary Asylum to Canadian Trucker Protesters, Compares Trudeau’s Actions to an ‘Authoritarian Regime Like Venezuela’

Photo with the aid of Pete Marovich/Getty Pictures Rep. Yvette Herrell (R-NM) in comparison Canada’s coping with of vaccine mandate protesters to “an authoritarian regime like Venezuela” and mentioned she’s going to introduce legislation to temporarily furnish asylum to Canadians protesting vaccine requirements. “Justin Trudeau’s heavy-exceeded crackdown in opposition to […]