Archive for: rand

Fauci accuses Rand Paul of playing politics with pandemic, fomenting violence


Rand Paul Calls Omicron ‘Nature’s Vaccine,’ Claims It’s ‘Malpractice’ and ‘Not Good Science’ to Vaccinate Children

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) stated on Fox & Friends Wednesday that the Omicron variant of Covid-19 was “nature’s vaccine” and claimed it was once “malpractice” and “now not excellent science” to vaccinate youngsters. Paul made the feedback based on a query from host Lawrence Jones about Dr. Anthony Fauci and […]


Rand Paul Trolls Fauci, Says He’s Having 57 Guests for Christmas: ‘No Vaccine Passport’ But They Must ‘Understand the Constitution’

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) fired some other salvo at Dr. Anthony Fauci in their long-running feud over all things Covid-19. Talking with Sean Hannity on Friday evening, the senator mentioned the infectious disease expert has an “impulse to authoritarianism.” Hannity started out the interview by using taking issue with New […]