A tug boat passes in front of a freighter at the Port of Oakland in OaklandBy means of Lucia Mutikani WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. change deficit widened in September as imports rose to their perfect level in almost a yr and exports fell for a 3rd consecutive month, suggesting the 0.33-quarter growth estimate it will likely be diminished. Different data on Thursday painted a less upbeat image of the labor market than had been advised through final week's sturdy October payrolls record. "The studies expose a fairly weaker course than we expected for exports and claims levels, which has modestly downgraded the outlook for the economy," said Mike Englund, chief economist at Motion Economics in Boulder, Colorado. This measure goes into the calculation of gross home product and its rise in September steered the government will most probably trim its preliminary third-quarter GDP estimate by way of between 0.1 and 0.2 proportion point, according to economists.